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How will you hit a curve ball?

trust-the-processI’ve been going through a class, really to call it a class is an understatement, a program, a transformation, to become a certified professional coach. It’s been six months of hard work and incredible rewards through personal growth and the development of lifelong friendships with people who I shared this journey with. But it’s almost over. Today is the last day of live classes and then it’s just a matter of cleaning up loose strings and putting a bow on it.

And I’m full of anxiety.

What’s that about? This is what I’ve been asking myself…and my coaching friends…and our facilitator…

More on that in a minute.

In the midst of the anxiety I’ve had the last week, I’ve also been thrown a couple of big curve balls. You know, those things that happen in life when you’re going along humming a happy tune and next thing you know, smack… what the what was that??? They’re not necessarily bad things, but things that are different than expected. Turns in the road that I wasn’t planning to make today.

Take those curve balls and the anxiety I’ve been feeling and you’ve got yourself a bit tangled mess in my brain. What to do, what to feel, cry, don’t cry, chocolate? Well, chocolate is always an answer.

Take a breath. That’s what I’m doing, and loving the way God works. Yesterday in class, we went over the results of our Energy Leadership Index, basically a tool to understand how we show up in life attitudinally.  I was able to see how I respond to stress in black and white. It was no surprise to me, but put words and understanding around what I already knew in my head – super helpful – thanks for that prep God. Combined with the anxiety I’d been feeling and the curve balls, I am able to stay conscious of my response, and choose a different one. Instead of feeling powerless, like life is happening to me, I realize that’s not the truth. That I can choose a different response to this stress, one that acts from a place of being true to myself and to others. That allows me to be in the moment instead of feeling derailed. Realizing that my anxiety was just based on a fear of going back to that place, that stress response that left me powerless…a life and will sucking place to be honest…no thanks.

That feels pretty good, I have to be honest. To be able to see how I’ve checked out in the past and make a choice to be stay engaged, to not feel like life is happening to me, to be present, to be in it to win it (as someone I love likes to say).

Curve balls are always going to be there, and if you feel like they happen to you, that’s a choice, but it doesn’t have to be your truth. You can redefine your truth, your response. Choose to respond in a way that stays true to you and allows you to remain engaged with those around you. To come at it from your heart. One of the immeasurable gifts of this program has been the coaching I’ve received over the last 20 weeks. It’s helped get me in a space to flow with the curve ball instead of seeing stars as it smacks me in the head, to become and stay connected to my heart.

What a gift! One I’d share with any of you in a heartbeat. Coaching with me is a journey to discover or rediscover yourself, to make choices from a place of strength, connected to your heart, your gifts…and take those curve balls, those turns in the road, with ease instead of stopping short of the life that’s there for you to live. Be brave, that’s my choice. Want to join me?

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